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A donation to support cancer research

Make a donation to help in the fight against cancer

We are all affected by cancer. This disease is rightly seen as a scourge, an epidemic affecting people throughout the world. Fortunately, men and women are working on a daily basis to advance research in the battle against cancer. These committed researchers work year in year out to identify new, more effective treatments and to understand and target the disease more precisely.

You too can get involved in the fight against cancer by simply making an online donation… a small but very important gesture that will help fund research programs. Donations also help to set up prevention initiatives and inform people about cancer. Supporting research is vitally important if we are to succeed in stamping out the scourge of cancer.

Donations, whether regular or one-off, are eligible for a 66% tax deduction – yet another reason to support cancer research.

To which organizations can online donations be made?

When it comes to making online donations, you are spoilt for choice. Feel free to donate to one of the following organizations:

  • Institut Curiea recognized public-interest foundation that funds research and innovation programs for people affected by cancer.
  • Fondation ARC : a recognized public-interest foundation dedicated entirely to cancer research.
  • La Ligue contre le cancera recognized public-interest association. This is also the leading non-governmental funder of cancer research.
  • Institut Gustave Roussy : Europe’s leading cancer center.
  • Institut Pasteura private non-profit foundation involved in research on infectious diseases as well as cancer.
  • Fondation pour la Recherche Médicalea non-profit organization that funds research into all diseases, including cancer.

It only takes a few minutes to make an online donation to support cancer research: it’s quick, easy and really important for anyone affected by this disease. This is a far from-exhaustive list of links that can be added to at any time.

Do you have cancer and would like to be supported by COS ?

Please feel free to contact the COS team