Cancer prevention: a personalized paramedical pathway — COS

Changing your habits helps reduce the risk of developing cancer. Explore the package of services offered by COS to coordinate paramedical care.

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Do you have cancer and would like COS to support you? We offer you a package tailored specifically to your needs.

    We will contact you again as soon as possible to arrange an appointment.

    Can cancer be prevented by changing our habits ?

    Some people have a genetic predisposition to cancer. However, while genetics alone cannot explain the alarming rise in cancer rates in the Western world, our lifestyles can. In France, 4 out of 10 cancers could be prevented by reducing risk factors, which include smoking, alcohol, a poorly balanced diet and sedentary living.

    It has been proven that stopping smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, eating a balanced diet and taking regular exercise can help combat the development of cancer. More specifically, reducing your alcohol consumption reduces the frequency of esophageal and mouth cancer. Lower salt consumption reduces the incidence of stomach cancer.

    How does COS coordinate the cancer prevention paramedical pathway ?

    COS is on hand to coordinate the paramedical care of anyone seeking to reduce the risk of developing cancer in the future. Our package of cancer prevention services is naturally tailored to individual requirements. We are able to offer the following services:

    This means that if you have smoked for many years, the COS team can offer you a tailor-made support package designed to help you stop smoking at your own pace. Similarly, a nutritionist can study your eating habits and advise you on a healthy, balanced diet. You can then leave your bad habits where they belong – in the past!

    Our services

    Personalized cancer support